Now showing through March 31st, 2025 at the Commerce Bank 10th + Main location, downtown Kansas City.


These monumental structures are all over the place here in my  back yard — so to speak.  And yet it was only recently that it occurred to me to photograph them, when I came across the patchwork patterns on the silos in #22 and 24.  But I’m late to the party.  I remember vaguely from my own studies in architecture years ago that Le Corbusier was fascinated by grain elevators and silos, but I didn’t know his interest was piqued by photos taken by Walter Gropius.  More on that in an excellent article by  HERE by Catalina Mejía Moreno.

This series is a departure from my usual  motives in that I have taken a turn towards ‘subject’.  Not a an all-in embrace and break from the past but a cracking in that wall, maybe.  Stay tuned.