2024 July 1

Penthouse Attic

This wonderful new apartment was slipped under the roof of a stately historic home in Kansas City’s Westside North neighborhood.  The new window wall opens a dramatic view to downtown and the crossroads district.

Exceptional design work by Hermanos.

More HERE.

New Face

An existing building at 4210 Troost gets a beautiful new facade.  

Also by Hermanos.

More HERE.

2024 June 30

Into the Weeds

I have been obsessing indecisively for at least a year now over aspect ratios.  But we all do, of course.

Specifically 4:3 vs 3:2 in my ‘uncommissioned’ works.  

More HERE.

2024 June 20

Summer Solstice

I’ve posted photos of light peeking in a north window at my house more than once, I think.  I thought I’d get out this year and see what I could find in the neighborhood to illustrate the same point.

More HERE.

2024 June 1

Unbound Accommodations

Nothing directly to do with the Unbound Gravel ride in the Flint Hills, these photos are from a place my biker-gang and I rented for a weekend — an old church basement ‘converted’ to a Vrbo.

The former fellowship hall is now an eerie combination of flea-market and uncle’s huntering lodge.

More HERE.

2024 May 10

Wild Flowers!

Just flowers, just this one photo. I saw these while riding my bike and about got run over by the car behind me…

2024 May 7

Kansas City Artists Coalition

I had the most wonderful coffee-meet with Courtney Wasson, the visionary and determined young Executive Director at the KCAC.

Those of us living here in the Paris of north-western Jackson County, Missouri enjoy a great sense of pride in our lively art scene.  But there is no single organization that is more inviting and supporting and encouraging of the artist than this one.  Go to their shows!  Become a member!  Do everything you can to support KCAC.

More HERE.

2024 May 1

Mitra Tabrizian

A new-to-me photographer, doing powerful work.  From her ‘about’ page:

“Mitra Tabrizian is an Iranian‐British artist and filmmaker.”

I find her Film Stills collection especially compelling.

Visit her web-site HERE.

2024 Apr 20

Kathy + Brian

Photos for a dear friend at her Mom’s wedding.  Wonderful evening, lovely people.

More HERE.

2024 Apr 12

Specialist vs Generalist

I discovered this excellent book review of “Generalist vs. specialist: Which is the best path to success?” by David Epstein.  Also new to me is the wonderful on-line magazine: Freethink.com.  

I’ve long thought there was a good case could be made for embracing all things photographic.

2024 Apr 8


Just a very few photos from Lake Dardanelle State Park in Arkansas.  Those who were able to see it in ‘totality’ would agree this was a breathtaking natural spectacle.  We were able to see solar flares with the naked eye, for crying out loud.

I was not prepared to take photos of the actual eclipse, thinking I wanted to ‘see’ it for myself, but ended up grabing an exposure anyway.  Couldn’t resist.

2024 Apr 2

Event Horizon

This collection of photos is from 2010. I bring back ‘Redbud’ in particular because it’s the time of year these are in full bloom here. And sadly, because this tree is no more. It was growing so tall and wide between our house and our neighbor’s that it had become too high and wide to keep out of the eaves. And there was a big rotting gash mid-way up, besides.

Odd coincidence is that the lens that I used for this photo was traded-in this month for its most recent iteration. So, kind of a simultaneous ‘phoenix rising’ occurrence — because the tree will be replanted.

All Event Horizon HERE.

2024 Apr 1


Last of the 2023 travels in France.  

Joan has softened on the vow to never return.  We had a vrbo disaster, but were able to recover from without too much trauma...

More HERE.

2024 Mar 19


There are a couple small billboards along Hwy 36 in northern Missouri that caused me to imagine plastering one with my own photographs.  

I had documented such a project in 2018 for For Freedoms, and I’ve been entering (unsucessfully) our local Charlotte Street Foundation’s Artboards Thing for a lot of years.  But my imagination was running with the idea of just hiring one of these on my own.  How much could it cost, thought I? some rickety sheet-of-plywood-sized sign on the way to Bucklin, MO?  

I haven’t entirely dismissed it yet...

2024 Mar 1


For decades I’ve tried to resist thinking too much while I’m out taking photos, trusting that my eye will lead the way.  If you haven’t already read it a thousand times, here’s my rationale spelled out.  But now, having collected a sort of critical mass of what I’m calling ‘Grain’ (lots of new ones added!) it occurs to me I’m seeing two distinct things here, and that the images  belong in groupings of their own.  

So here they are, distilled and clarified: Grain and Grain Abstracts.


I’ve gone back to lumping these all together in a single collection again called Grain.  After having returned them all to a 3:2 aspect ration it just made sense.  

I’ll never stop fooling with these.

2024 Feb 28


Third city in our 2023 travels in France!  This is a gorgeous city.  Truly and no exaggeration, it is  breathtaking.

More HERE.

2024 Feb 1

Richard Johnson

I was recenly introduced to the wonderful work of Canadian photographer Richard Johnson  (thank you, Matt!) and immediatly fell in love with his photos.

I won’t even attempt to find 1000 good words to describe these pictures.  Have a look, HERE.

2024 Jan 8

One Nine Vine

Beautiful new residences in Kansas City’s historic 18th and Vine neighborhood, designed by HJM Architects.

More HERE.

HCC Network, Carrollton

Wonderful new facility also by HJM Architects!

More HERE.

R2B board Members

These are the many faces behind the well-oiled machine that is Ride 2 Boulevardia.

More HERE.

2024 Jan 3


This is the 1st of four cities from our travels in France last year.  Coming up are Carcassonne, Sarlat and Paris.

If you’re ever running low on Catholics, Lourdes is the place to go to replenish your stocks.

More HERE.


One of the many rabbit holes I get lost in when it’s cold out is genealogy.  I recently stumbled into FamilySearch.org — which, no kidding will disappear 8 hours of your lifetime before you realize it’s dark outside — and traced my Cannon roots out to something like 200 AD.  If you can believe that.

This photo from as early as 1894 was posted on the site by my very gracious 4th cousin, Erin.  Thank you, Erin!  My great grandmother Mary Estella is the scrawny woman standing at the far right; seated are my great, great grandparents Albert Preston and Susan Elizabeth.  Not Cannons — other side of the family...

This is only one in about a thousand old photos I need to scan someday before I become history.

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